Commercial Licence Agreement

Welcome to RevGenHub.com! These Commercial Licence Agreement Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") outline the rules and regulations for the use of RevGenHub.Com Pty Ltd and all our product offerings on the platform, hereinafter referred to as also “us”, “our” or "we".

Our offering as outlined in Section 1.2 will be represented as our “services”. Users accessing our platform and agreeing to this agreement and its terms and conditions in its entirety as free,fully paid and fully subscribed users will be referred to as “you”, “your”, “user”,“customer/s” and or “licensee”.

1. General Terms

By accessing this website and utilising its services as a free or fully paid customer, you agree to comply with these following terms and conditions. Do not use RevGenHub.com if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this agreement.

Any violations of these terms may result in the termination of your account. RevGenHub.com is a software platform created to facilitate the creation, management, and exploration of content across many various mediums of online media. It is designed to assist users in creating, generating, organising, and analysing content for diverse purposes.

The platform encompasses tools and features aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of content-related tasks, including but not limited to content creation, editing, curation, management and distribution. RevGenHub.com may utilise third-party services to enhance certain features and functionalities of the platform.

By accessing and using RevGenHub.com, you consent to the use of these third-party services. [However, we will not store or collect passwords or any other sensitive information related to these third-party services].

Users are responsible for providing authorization and authentication for the integration of third-party services with RevGenHub.com, and any data exchanged between RevGenHub.com and third-party services will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy policies and regulations.

RevGenHub.com does not endorse any content created by our tools or screen any content created using our tools. Users are solely responsible for the content they produce and share, and must ensure it adheres to all legal and ethical standards. RevGenHub.com cannot be held liable for any misuse or unauthorised use of our services or for any unlawful or infringing content generated by users within our platform.

If you sign up for the Service on behalf of an organisation using an email address provided by your employer or another organisation,

(i) you represent and warrant that you are an authorised representative of that entity with authority to bind that entity to these Terms; 

(ii) your use of the Service will bind that entity to these Terms; and 

(iii) “you” and “your” in these Terms will refer to both you and that entity.

2.Your Content

You may provide input to the Services ("Input") and receive output from the Services based on the Input ("Output"). Input and Output together constitute "Content." You are solely responsible for the Content you provide or are provided, ensuring it complies with all applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions. By providing Input, you represent and warrant that you possess all necessary rights, licences, and permissions to utilise such Input.

Ownership of Content: You retain ownership rights in the Input you provide, and you own the Output generated by the Services. RevGenHub.com hereby assigns to you any rights, title, and interest it may have in the Output.

Similarity of Content: Due to the nature of our Services and artificial intelligence, Output generated for you may resemble that provided to other users. Our assignment of rights to you pertains solely to your Output and does not extend to that of other users or any Third-Party Output.

Accuracy. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly evolving fields of study. We are constantly working to improve our Services to make them more accurate, reliable, safe, and beneficial. Given the probabilistic nature of machine learning, use of our Services may, in some situations, result in Output that does not accurately reflect real people, places, or facts. 

When you use our Services you understand and agree:

Output may not always be accurate. You should not rely on Output from our Services as a sole source of truth or factual information, or as a substitute for professional advice. You must evaluate Output for accuracy and appropriateness for your use case, including using human review as appropriate, before using or sharing Output from the Services. You must not use any Output relating to a person for any purpose that could have a legal or material impact on that person, such as making credit, educational, employment, housing, insurance, legal, medical, or other important decisions about them. Our Services may provide incomplete, incorrect, or offensive Output that does not represent our views. If Output references any third party products or services, it doesn’t mean the third party endorses or is affiliated with Us.

Representation of Output: Output generated by our Services may occasionally be incomplete, inaccurate, or offensive. Such Output does not reflect the views of RevGenHub.com. Reference to third-party products or services within Output does not imply endorsement or affiliation with RevGenHub.com.

Consent to Utilisation of Content: By accessing and utilising the services provided by RevGenHub.com, you consent to the use of the inputs and outputs you create, manage, or submit for the development, enhancement, and delivery of further AI products and services. This includes the utilisation of machine learning technologies to analyse and derive insights from the content.The insights gained from the analysis of your content contribute to personalising and improving the delivery of our AI-powered services and other features.We may utilise Content to deliver, maintain, enhance, and refine our Services, in accordance with applicable laws and our internal policies.

3.Intellectual Property Rights

RevGenHub.com retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the Services. You are prohibited from using our name and logo without prior written permission. For inquiries regarding the use of our name and logo, please contact [email protected].

4.User Types and Access Levels

4.1 Free Users:Definition: Free Users have limited access to the services provided by RevGenHub.com.

Features and Functionalities: Free Users have access to basic features and functionalities, subject to usage restrictions.

Limited Time Free Use: Free Users are entitled to limited-time free use or services of the platform as determined by us.

4.2 Commercial Users:

Definition: Commercial users subscribe to or purchase paid-for services to advance business objectives, promote products or services, generate revenue, or engage in commercial endeavours.

Eligibility: Commercial use is permitted upon full payment and subscription receipt through our third-party payment services.

Licence Grant: Subject to this Agreement, a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide licence is granted to use RevGenHub.com as outlined in General Conditions point 1.2.

Representation for Organisational Users: Representatives of organisations using an employer-provided email must be authorised to bind that entity to these Terms.

4.3 Agency Plan UsersDefinition: Businesses or Entities accessing this as a paid Agency for the benefit as per our 1.General Terms for other entities or businesses via subscription will fall under Commercial Users definition but will also consider the following:

Licensees (commercial users) may use RevGenHub.com on behalf of their own clients, which by definition will be classed as “sub-clients” for this agreement and used solely for the purposes outlined in General Conditions

1.2.End User Access: Licensees may not grant sub-client access to revgenhub.com for content collaboration. Sub-Clients will not have access to any features or functionalities other than outputs provided to them by the licensee.

Confidentiality: Licensees agree to maintain confidentiality of proprietary information and not misuse it beyond intended collaboration. No Direct Endorsement: Licensees may not represent themselves as agents of ours when interacting with sub-clients.

Indemnification: Licensees agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims arising from their use on behalf of their sub-clients.

Termination of sub-Client Access: We reserve the right to terminate or suspend sub-client accounts which we deem that you have breached or violated the terms of this agreement or by unethical conduct and in accordance with clause 6. Termination.

Client Acknowledgment: Licensees must ensure sub-client acknowledgment and compliance with our terms before granting access. And that the Commercial user has full rights to use our platform for its intended purposes.

6.Account Termination

RevGenHub.com reserves the right to close or cancel any and all accounts at any time without notice if the client's payment is not current, or for any other reason, as determined by RevGenHub.com. Reasons for termination may include but not limited to violations of community guidelines, repeated breaches of this agreement, or engaging in fraudulent or unethical conduct.. In the event of a terminated account Revgenub.com may retain inputs and outputs as described in the clause 2.Content.

7.Dispute Resolution

Any disputes regarding payments or accounts must be submitted in writing to [email protected] . Written notifications should include detailed information regarding the nature of the dispute, including relevant account details and payment information. RevGenHub.com will review and respond to written disputes in accordance with its internal procedures and applicable laws.

8.Fair and Secure Site

Fair Use: RevGenHub.com endeavours to provide a fair and secure site to the best of our ability, maintaining the integrity of our services and ensuring a level playing field for all users.[Security Measures: We implement reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of user data and content, including encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.]


As part of our payment services we may issue invoices based on Australian tax laws which will be inclusive of GST if GST is applicable, if GST is not applicable then the total cost will remain as per the amount charged or shown on the website https://app.revgenhub.com/dashboard.php pricing and packages tab.


You may not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms, and any attempt to do so will be void. We may assign our rights or obligations under these Terms to any affiliate, subsidiary, or successor in interest of any business associated with our Services.

11.Introduction from Third Parties Disclaimer

If a user is introduced to RevGenHub.com through a third party, affiliate, or referral, any guarantees or warranties expressed by such third parties shall not be applicable or binding on RevGenHub.com. Users acknowledge and agree that RevGenHub.com is not responsible for any representations, promises, or assurances made by third parties regarding the platform's performance, reliability, or suitability for any purpose.

Legal Expansion:

Acknowledgment of Introduction Source: Users accessing RevGenHub.com through a third-party introduction, affiliate link, or referral code recognize and accept that the introduction to the platform was facilitated by an external party not directly affiliated with RevGenHub.com.

Non-Reliance on Third-Party Representations: Users understand and agree that any guarantees, warranties, or assurances made by third parties regarding the platform's features, functionality, or performance are independent of RevGenHub.com's official representations and shall not bind RevGenHub.com in any manner.

Exclusion of Third-Party Liability: RevGenHub.com disclaims any liability for representations, promises, or assurances made by third parties, including affiliates, introducers, or referrers, regarding the platform's capabilities or suitability for specific purposes. Users expressly waive any rights or claims against RevGenHub.com arising from reliance on such third-party statements.

Independent Evaluation: Users are encouraged to independently evaluate RevGenHub.com and its services based on official documentation, terms of use, and disclosures provided directly by RevGenHub.com. Any decisions or actions taken based on third-party representations are done so at the user's own risk and discretion.

Limitation of Liability: RevGenHub.com shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or liabilities incurred by users due to their reliance on third-party guarantees or warranties, including but not limited to financial losses, business disruptions, or reputational harm.

Modification of Terms: RevGenHub.com reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions, including this disclaimer, at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the terms of use to stay informed of any changes or updates.

Governing Law: These terms and conditions, including the Third-Party Introduction Disclaimer, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales,  Australia, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.

12. Third-Party Service Integration:RevGenHub.com may utilise third-party services to enhance and facilitate the delivery of our services or products.

By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge and consent to the integration of third-party services into our platform for the purpose of improving functionality, enhancing user experience, managing, storing, accessing and providing additional features.

While RevGenHub.com takes reasonable measures to ensure the compatibility and security of these third-party services, we cannot guarantee their performance or reliability. You understand that your use of third-party services is subject to their respective terms of service and privacy policies, and RevGenHub.com shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or liabilities arising from your use of third-party services.

13.Changes to These Terms or Our Services 

We are continuously working to develop and improve our Services. We may update these Terms or our Services accordingly from time to time. For example, we may make changes to these Terms or the Services due to:

>>Changes to the law or regulatory requirements.

>>Security or safety reasons.

>>Circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

>>Changes we make in the usual course of developing our Services.

>>To adapt to new technologies.

We will give you at least 5 days advance notice of changes to these Terms that materially adversely impact you either via email or an in-product notification. All other changes will be effective as soon as we post them to our website. If you do not agree to the changes, you must stop using our Services. Delay in Enforcing These TermsOur failure to enforce a provision is not a waiver of our right to do so later. Except as provided in section 7.Dispute Resolution section, if any portion of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, that portion will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and it will not affect the enforceability of any other terms.

14.Entire AgreementThese Terms contain the entire agreement between you and us regarding the Services and, other than any Service-specific terms, supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements between you and us.

Governing Law: The laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia will govern these Terms, except for its conflicts of laws principles. Except as provided in the dispute resolution section 7. Dispute Resolution, above, all claims arising out of or relating to these Terms will be brought exclusively in the federal or state courts of New South Wales, Australia.

15.Modification of TermsWe reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for changes. Your continued use of RevGenHub.com following the posting of changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.

16.SeverabilityIf any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck, and the remaining provisions shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.


By accessing and using revgenhub.com for commercial purposes, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you may not access or use revgenhub.com for commercial purposes.

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